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        1 - An Information Architecture Framework for Utilizing Social Networks in Iranian Higher Education System
        mehrab ali golshani rosta مهرابعلی  گلشنی‌روستا
        Management of social networks, has become a strategic challenge for different applications including education due to its growing importance. Enterprise Architecture (EA), uses a holistic specification of information technology functions in organizations to decrease the More
        Management of social networks, has become a strategic challenge for different applications including education due to its growing importance. Enterprise Architecture (EA), uses a holistic specification of information technology functions in organizations to decrease the complexity of using information technology and to increase its efficiency. As regards, using social networks in education in most countries of the world has not yet finished its preliminary stages, so for this reason there is no standard framework and model. The aim of this paper is to design an appropriate architecture framework for utilizing social networks in higher education system in Iran. To do this,first the concept of social networks and its applications at educational environment have been investigated.Then the concept of enterprise architecture and information architecture framework are studied, Zachman framework has been selected as the main tool and then using questionnaire the vital aspects of implementing social networks in higher education have been identified from the views of experts. The findings of study indicate the main reasons for the use of social networks in higher education (strategy), the most important actors in this field (people), the infrastructure needed (infrastructure), the data and information required in this environment (data) and also the processes required to fulfill the social network of learning (process). The main characteristic of the final framework is a presentation of a comprehensive framework for using social network in education system with attention to local considerations. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Personalized E-learning Environment Using Fuzzy Recommender System base on Combination of Learning Style and Cognitive Trait
        nafise saberi  
        Personalization needs to identify the learners’ preferences and their characteristics as an important part in any e-learning environment which without identify learners’ mental characteristics and their learning approaches, personalization cannot be possible. Whatever t More
        Personalization needs to identify the learners’ preferences and their characteristics as an important part in any e-learning environment which without identify learners’ mental characteristics and their learning approaches, personalization cannot be possible. Whatever this identifying process has been done more completely and more accurately, the learner model that based on it will be more reliable. Using the combination and relation of effective theories in learning approaches detection such as learning style and cognitive trait, have been used in this research. Also for reducing ambiguity in learners’ opinions and their feedbacks, have been used fuzzy logic. This study was conducted during one semester on some e-learning students in engineering field based on fuzzy recommender system in two phases. This recommender is part of Intelligent Tutoring System as prepared some recommendations based on learning style in first phase and on half of courses and in second phase and on remaining courses, prepared recommendations based on combination of two mentioneed theories. Learners’ ability have been monitored and evaluated based on fuzzy item response theory in all steps. Measures of Intelligent Tutoring System have been optimized after this combination that clarifies the presentation of accurate recommendations in appropriate time. The time of effective learning and amount of referee to tutor have decreased, learner’s and tutor’s view to e-learning that define such as learners’ success rate and the learner’s satisfaction have improved increasingly. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Optimized Modeling for satisfaction in the relationship between a physician and patient based on machine learnin methods
        Fatemeh Saghafi mojtaba shadmehr Zainabolhoda Heshmati Hadi Veisi
        Health has always been one of the most important concerns of human. The goal in this research is to know what factors cause and affect patient satisfaction in the relationship between a physician and patient. Since this relationship is a form of healthcare service, the More
        Health has always been one of the most important concerns of human. The goal in this research is to know what factors cause and affect patient satisfaction in the relationship between a physician and patient. Since this relationship is a form of healthcare service, the SERVQUAL service quality assessment method has been used as a framework. However the questions have been reviewed based on the previous literature and the experts’ views, leading to a questionnaire designed for the healthcare domain. Data collection has been performed using the questionnaires on subjects selected amongst clients of Rhinoplasty Centers in Tehran. To analyze the data, three machine-learning approaches have been implemented namely Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Networks. A number of possible factors affecting the patient-physician relationship have been used as input and patient satisfaction has been taken as output. Comparing the results of these three methods, Artificial Neural Networks method is shown to have better performance, which has therefore been used for prioritizing the effective factors in this relationship. The results indicate that reaching the information which the patient expects their physician to give is the most effective characteristic in patient satisfaction. The rank of gained features were compared with similar researches. The outcome was very similar and approved the results. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A new algorithm based on ensemble learning for learning to rank in information retrieval
        Azadeh Shakery elham ghanbari
        Learning to rank refers to machine learning techniques for training a model in a ranking task. Learning to rank has been shown to be useful in many applications of information retrieval, natural language processing, and data mining. Learning to rank can be described by More
        Learning to rank refers to machine learning techniques for training a model in a ranking task. Learning to rank has been shown to be useful in many applications of information retrieval, natural language processing, and data mining. Learning to rank can be described by two systems: a learning system and a ranking system. The learning system takes training data as input and constructs a ranking model. The ranking system then makes use of the learned ranking model for ranking prediction. In this paper, a new learning algorithm based on ensemble learning for learning ranking models in information retrieval is proposed. This algorithm iteratively constructs weak learners using a fraction of the training data whose weight distribution is determined based on previous weak learners. The proposed algorithm combines the weak rankers to achieve the final ranking model. This algorithm constructs a ranking model on a fraction of the training data to increase the accuracy and reduce the learning time. Experimental results based on Letor.3 benchmark dataset shows that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms other ensemble learning algorithms. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A New Approach to Extract and Utilize Learners Social Relationships through Analyzing Forums Structure and Contents
        Somayeh Ahari
        Collaborative learning tools play important roles in communications and knowledge building, among learners in a virtual learning environment. They demand appropriate grouping algorithms as well as facilitating learners’ participations mechanisms. This paper has utilized More
        Collaborative learning tools play important roles in communications and knowledge building, among learners in a virtual learning environment. They demand appropriate grouping algorithms as well as facilitating learners’ participations mechanisms. This paper has utilized some information retrieval techniquesto investigate the relevance of discussion posts to their containing forums, and extract learners’ most frequent topics. Trying to explore students online interactions, researchers have applied social network analysis, which has led to a new representation of social networking. They have proposed a new grouping algorithm based on the provided representation of social relationships. The mentioned approaches have been evaluated in some academic courses in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and ELearning Center, University of Tehran. The results have revealed some considerable improvements in comparison to the traditional approaches. Research outcomes may help tutors to create and guide groups of learners more effectively. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Multimedia teaching and its effects on learning and retention of English grammar
        Somayeh Ahari
        Increment of complexity and costs of information technology systems have made many problems about infrastructure and manpower for organizations which have been decreased by the use of outsourcing. All organizations try to increase the success of outsourcing projects by More
        Increment of complexity and costs of information technology systems have made many problems about infrastructure and manpower for organizations which have been decreased by the use of outsourcing. All organizations try to increase the success of outsourcing projects by using different ways. One of the important reasons for failure of these projects especially in IT area- because of its major role in acquisition of competitive advantage- is selecting inappropriate contractor. In order to existence of different and contradictive criteria, this selection is complex. The purpose of this research is to determine important criteria and specify the weights of each criterion and finally design a fuzzy expert system for selecting the best contractor in IT outsourcing. The method of knowledge acquisition from experts-which are managers and experts of IT- is a questionnaire. Also in order to evaluate the validity of system, it was used in an IT company. The results show the favorable performance of contractor selection expert system. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Proposing a Model for Extracting Information from Textual Documents, Based on Text Mining in E-learning
        Somayeh Ahari
        As computer networks become the backbones of science and economy, enormous quantities documents become available. So, for extracting useful information from textual data, text mining techniques have been used. Text Mining has become an important research area that disco More
        As computer networks become the backbones of science and economy, enormous quantities documents become available. So, for extracting useful information from textual data, text mining techniques have been used. Text Mining has become an important research area that discoveries unknown information, facts or new hypotheses by automatically extracting information from different written documents. Text mining aims at disclosing the concealed information by means of methods which on the one hand are able to cope with the large number of words and structures in natural language and on the other hand allow handling vagueness, uncertainty and fuzziness. Text mining, referred to as text data mining, roughly equivalent to text analytics, refers to the process of deriving high-quality information from text that high-quality information is typically derived through the patterns and processes. Moreover, text mining, also known as text data mining or knowledge discovery from textual databases, refers to the process of extracting patterns or knowledge from text documents. In this research, a survey of text mining techniques and applications in e-learning has been presented. During these studies, relevant researches in the field of e-learning were classified. After classification of researches, related problems and solutions were extracted. In this paper, first, definition of text mining is presented. Then, the process of text mining and its applications in e-learning domain are described. Furthermore, text mining techniques are introduced, and each of these methods in the field of e-learning is considered. Finally, a model for the information extraction by text mining techniques in e-learning domain is proposed. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Optimal LO Selection in E-Learning Environment Using PSO Algorithm
        gholamali montazer
        One of the key issues in e-learning is to identify needs, educational behavior and learning speed of the learners and design a suitable curriculum commensurate to their abilities. This goal is achieved by identifying the learners’ different dimension of personality and More
        One of the key issues in e-learning is to identify needs, educational behavior and learning speed of the learners and design a suitable curriculum commensurate to their abilities. This goal is achieved by identifying the learners’ different dimension of personality and ability and assigning suitable learning material to them according these features. In this paper, an intelligent tutoring system is proposed which optimizes the LO selection in e-learning environment. In order to evaluate the proposed method, the designed system has been used in a web-based instruction system in different conditions and the results of the "Academically success", "Satisfactory learning achievement" and "Time of the learners’ attendance" have been analyzed. The obtained results show a significant efficiency compared to other applied methods. Manuscript profile
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        9 - An Investigation on the Effect of Multifactor Model of Improving Critical Thinking in E-learning Environments
        mohammadreza nili jamshid heydari hossein moradi
        In the third millennium, people deal with multiple, diverse, and complicated problems as they cannot possess full control over the information, which is constantly produced and accumulated. Having a high skill of critical thinking for assessing the results of different More
        In the third millennium, people deal with multiple, diverse, and complicated problems as they cannot possess full control over the information, which is constantly produced and accumulated. Having a high skill of critical thinking for assessing the results of different issues and decision making about them based on evidences is an unavoidable necessity. The researchers of this work proposed a model with seven factors (components) for critical thinking in e-learning environments. The statistical group of this work is the M.Sc. medical education students of  AZAD university e-learning environments, and the students of the same field from Islamic Azad University traditional education system studying during 2011-2012. Among the research community, 47 members were selected based on a simple random method and divided into two trial (with 23 members) and reference (with 42 members) groups. To train the trial group, the seven-factor critical thinking training scale was utilized in e-learning environments in 15 sessions with empirical sciences course. In the reference group, the same seven-factor critical thinking training scale was used in the classroom environment in lecturing in 15 sessions with empirical sciences course. The model factors and components are challenge, representation, creation of opportunity, creation of motivation, logical analysis, encouragement, responsibility, and commitment. Both groups were subject to two pretest and posttest steps within two trial groups, which were considered as reference to each other. Both groups responded to the Watson- Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal within two pretest and posttest steps, while the covariance analysis statistical test was used for analysis of the results. The results indicate significant difference between the scores between trial and reference groups in improving the critical thinking of the students in terms of inferential, assumption detection, deduction, interpretation, and logical reasoning evaluation components (p=0.001). According to the results, in terms of improving critical thinking, the trial group trained in the e-learning environment indicates higher scores as compared to the group trained in the traditional classroom environment. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Automatic Sepration of Learnrs in Learning Groups Based on Identifying Learning Style from Their Behavior in Learning Environment
        mohammad sadegh rezaei gholamali montazer
        Automatic identification of learners groups based on similarity of learning style improves e-learning systems from the viewpoint of learning adaptation and collaboration among learners. In this paper, a new system is proposed for identifying groups of learners, who have More
        Automatic identification of learners groups based on similarity of learning style improves e-learning systems from the viewpoint of learning adaptation and collaboration among learners. In this paper, a new system is proposed for identifying groups of learners, who have similar learning style, by using learners’ behavior information in an e-learning environment. Proposed clustering method for separation of learners is developed based on ART neural network structure and Snap-Drift neural network learning process. This artificial network enables us to identify learners groups in uncertain group separation parameters, without knowing appropriate number of groups.  The results of an empirical evaluation of the proposed method, which are based on two criteria, “Davies-Bouldin” and “Purity and Gathering”, indicate that our proposed method outperforms other clustering methods in terms of accuracy. Manuscript profile
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        11 - A Hybrid Neural Network Ensemble Model for Credit Risk Assessment
        shaban elahi Ahmad ghodselahi hamidreza naji
        Banking is a specific industry that deals with capital and risk for making profit. Credit risk as the most important risk, is an active research domain in financial risk management studies. In this paper a hybrid model for credit risk assessment which applies ensemble l More
        Banking is a specific industry that deals with capital and risk for making profit. Credit risk as the most important risk, is an active research domain in financial risk management studies. In this paper a hybrid model for credit risk assessment which applies ensemble learning for credit granting decisions is designed. Combining clustering and classification techniques resulted in system improvement. The German bank real dataset was used for neural network training. The proposed model implemented as credit risk evaluation multi agent system and the results showed the proposed model has higher accuracy, better performance and lesser cost in applicant classification when compared with other credit risk evaluation methods Manuscript profile
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        12 - Content and structural analysis of online forums in order to extract users' social relationships and use them in grouping mechanisms.
        Fatemeh  Orojie fataneh taghiyareh
        Today, thanks to the growth and development of communication and information technologies, online learning systems have been able to provide group learning facilities and space for interaction and exchange of ideas between learners. This requires the formation of effect More
        Today, thanks to the growth and development of communication and information technologies, online learning systems have been able to provide group learning facilities and space for interaction and exchange of ideas between learners. This requires the formation of effective learning groups and the provision of learner participation tools in online learning environments, which is rarely seen in existing systems that use virtual learning centers. In this article, the content and structure of the discussion forums have been examined. Content analysis has been done in order to match the content of the discussions with the objectives of the forum and to extract the areas of interest of the participants. While expressing the achievements of the social network analysis of an academic learning environment, the researchers have presented a solution for extracting the social relationships of people through the structural analysis of discussion forums in an online learning environment. Also, they have presented a method to use the extracted relationships in the mechanisms of grouping learners and evaluated its efficiency. Different parts of this research have been conducted in different courses in consecutive semesters and its achievements can be used to improve collaborative learning activities in online and blended learning environments. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Teaching in a multimedia style and its effect on learning and memorizing the grammatical structure of the English language
        saied asadi elham GHobadi
        Educational multimedia has changed the traditional methods of education. But their impact requires careful design based on the objectives of the lesson and the abilities of their users. In the current research, the effect of educational multimedia on learning and memori More
        Educational multimedia has changed the traditional methods of education. But their impact requires careful design based on the objectives of the lesson and the abilities of their users. In the current research, the effect of educational multimedia on learning and memorizing the grammatical structure (grammar) of the English language has been studied. For this purpose, a researcher-made software was designed for teaching grammar and it was studied in the experimental group and its results were compared with regular classes. The statistical population was first grade female middle school students in Tehran city, which was randomly selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method, first in district 8, and then in a sample school, two groups of first grade middle school students, one group as The experimental group and one group were selected as the control group, each consisting of 55 students. This research is a quasi-experimental method and descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to analyze the data. The control group underwent traditional language training in the classroom, and at the same time, the experimental group experienced three grammar training sessions on the school's computer site using the software developed by the researcher. The results of the research showed an increase in learning and memorization of grammatical structure at the level of 0.05 in the group using educational multimedia in comparison with the control group, which finally confirms the effect of multimedia on learning and memorizing English grammar. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Presenting a model for extracting information from text documents, based on text-mining in the field of e-learning
        AhmadAgha kardan Mina Kaihani nejad
        ۱٬۵۸۱ / ۵٬۰۰۰ When computer networks became the mainstay of science and economics, a large amount of documentation became available. For this purpose, text mining methods are used to extract useful information. Text mining is an important research field in discovering More
        ۱٬۵۸۱ / ۵٬۰۰۰ When computer networks became the mainstay of science and economics, a large amount of documentation became available. For this purpose, text mining methods are used to extract useful information. Text mining is an important research field in discovering unknown information, hypotheses, and new facts by extracting information from various documents. Also, text mining is revealing hidden information using a method that shows the ability to deal with a large number of words and structures in natural language on the one hand, and allows the management of ambiguity and doubt on the other hand. In addition, text mining is defined as data mining of text, which is equivalent to text analysis and deals with the process of extracting information from text and extracting high quality information from patterns and processes. It is also known as text data mining or knowledge discovery from text databases and is defined as the process of extracting patterns or knowledge from text documents. The research method in this work is as follows: firstly, the research conducted in the field of text mining was investigated with an emphasis on its methods and applications in electronic education. During these studies, related researches were classified in the field of e-learning. After classifying the researches, issues and solutions related to the issues raised in those works were extracted. In this regard, in this article, the definition of text mining will be discussed first. Then the process of text mining and the fields of application of text mining in e-learning are examined. In the following, text mining methods are introduced and each of these methods is discussed in the field of electronic education. At the end, while deducing the important points of the conducted studies, a model for extracting information for the use of text mining methods in e-learning is proposed. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Optimum modeling of patient satisfaction with the doctor based on machine learning methods
        - شادمهر Zainabolhoda Heshmati Fatemeh saghafi Hadi Veisi
        The patient-centered approach in the field of health has recently been proposed in the field of the medical system of our country, but until now there is no published scientific research on the factors of patient satisfaction with doctors. The present article aims to co More
        The patient-centered approach in the field of health has recently been proposed in the field of the medical system of our country, but until now there is no published scientific research on the factors of patient satisfaction with doctors. The present article aims to cover the stated gap with a scientific evaluation based on the real information obtained from the field study. A questionnaire was designed for the health sector and was approved by the opinion of experts. In order to get the opinions of patients, a questionnaire was distributed among 500 people who underwent rhinoplasty in Tehran, and 395 questionnaires were collected. Three methods of decision tree, support vector machine and neural networks were used for data analysis. The analysis of the results according to the accuracy criteria showed that the most efficient method, in priority, the importance of the factors affecting the patient's satisfaction; Neural network method. The results of the analysis with this method indicate that the most effective feature in the patient's satisfaction with the doctor is the information that the patient expects the doctor to provide. The results of ranking factors in comparison with other studies that only used statistical methods for analysis showed that the results were relatively similar and confirmed each other. But the strengths of the neural network method in modeling is the strength of this method compared to the mentioned studies. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Matched grouping of learners in e-learning environment using council clustering method
        malihe kamareiy gholamali montazer
        Despite the individual differences of learners such as their abilities, goals, knowledge, learning styles and backgrounds, most of the electronic learning systems has presented an equal learning content for all of the learners. This is happening while producing a specia More
        Despite the individual differences of learners such as their abilities, goals, knowledge, learning styles and backgrounds, most of the electronic learning systems has presented an equal learning content for all of the learners. This is happening while producing a specialized content for the individuals. Increasing appliances of artificial memory in teaching the adaptation learning systems will require recommended teaching methods which are appropriate to the learner’s individual differences. In order to grouping learners based on their learning styles in their own similar groups, we are presenting a new method in this text. This method is mainly about combining the result of clustering methods which is certainly reducing choosing an unreliable method. Meanwhile it is preventing method`s complication which is because of using simpler and more useful clustering algorithms that subsequently will cause a better result and it may happen due to the fact that different methods will overlap each other’s defections. In this article we are using Felder- Silverman learning style which consist of 5 dimensions: processing (active-reflective) , input (visual-verbal) , understanding (sequential-global) , perception (sensing-intuitive) and organization (inductive-deductive). Firstly, proper behavioral indicators to different learning style dimension of Silverman-Feedler will recognize and then based on these behaviors learners will be able to be groups by one of these 5 methods. In the case of evaluating the proposed method, utilizing the c++ programming electronic teaching period information is necessary. Learner members of experiment environment were 98 ones which were extracting the expressed indicators connected to their network behaviors in 4 dimensions of Perception , process , input and understanding of Felder- Silverman model. On the other hand students were asked to fill the questionnaire forms and their learning styles were calculated between 0-11 and then based on the behavioral information they were being grouped. We are using 5 clustering grouping methods : k-means , FCM , KNN , K-Medoids and SVM to produce ensemble clustering in generation step and co-occurrence samples or majority votes were used in Integration step. Evaluating the results will require the followings : Davies-bouldin index , Variance index , and gathering purity index. Due to the fact that the expressed methods are not able to indicate automatically the best cluster, clustering 3,4,5,6,7 clusters were using this method. And with calculating Davies-bouldin index the best cluster in each method were selected. In FCM each data were contributed to the cluster which has the most dependence to that . Numerical results of Davies-bouldin index have shown that ensemble clusters have the exact accumulation clusters among the others. Clustering variance in different size is indicating that ensemble clustering has the most accumulation and the least dispersion and also purity-gathering results has shown that proposed grouping method has the ability to gather learners with the similar style in each cluster and has a better efficiency compared to the others. So with this idea while maintaining simplicity, more accurate results based on the Davies-bouldin index , Variance index , and gathering purity index is obtained. Due to the importance of high accuracy and high speed and low computational complexity in the clustering methods, instead of a more complex approach, combining the weaker and easier clustering methods, better and more accurate results reached. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Comparing A Hybridization of Fuzzy Inference System and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning to Predict Stock Prices
        Majid Abdolrazzagh-Nezhad mahdi kherad
        Predicting stock prices by data analysts have created a great business opportunity for a wide range of investors in the stock markets. But the fact is difficulte, because there are many affective economic factors in the stock markets that they are too dynamic and compl More
        Predicting stock prices by data analysts have created a great business opportunity for a wide range of investors in the stock markets. But the fact is difficulte, because there are many affective economic factors in the stock markets that they are too dynamic and complex. In this paper, two models are designed and implemented to identify the complex relationship between 10 economic factors on the stock prices of companies operating in the Tehran stock market. First, a Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (MFIS) is designed that the fuzzy rules set of its inference engine is found by the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO). Then a Deep Learning model consisting of 26 neurons is designed wiht 5 hidden layers. The designed models are implemented to predict the stock prices of nine companies operating on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The experimental results show that the designed deep learning model can obtain better results than the hybridization of MFIS-PSO, the neural network and SVM, although the interperative ability of the obtained patterns, more consistent behavior with much less variance, as well as higher convergence speed than other models can be mentioned as significant competitive advantages of the MFIS-PSO model Manuscript profile
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        18 - An efficient Two Pathways Deep Architecture for Soccer Goal Recognition towards Soccer Highlight Summarization
        Amirhosein Zangane Mehdi Jampour Kamran Layeghi
        In this paper, an automated method has been presented using a dual-path deep learning architecture model for the problem of soccer video analysis and it emphasizes the gate recognition as one of the most important elements of the goal event that is the most important so More
        In this paper, an automated method has been presented using a dual-path deep learning architecture model for the problem of soccer video analysis and it emphasizes the gate recognition as one of the most important elements of the goal event that is the most important soccer game event. The proposed architecture is considered as an extended form of the VGG 13-layer model in which a dual-path architectural model has been defined. For recognizing the gate in the first path using the proposed architectural model, the model is trained by the training dataset. But in the second path, the training dataset is first examined by a screening system and the best images containing features different from the features of the first path are selected. In another word, features of a network similar to the first path, but after passing through the screening system are generated in the second path. Afterwards, the feature vectors generated in two paths are combined to create a global feature vector, thus covering different spaces of the gate recognition problem. Different evaluations have been performed on the presented method. The evaluation results represent the improved accuracy of gate recognition using the proposed dual-path architectural model in comparison to the basic model. A comparison of proposed method with other existing outcomes also represents the improved accuracy of the proposed method in comparison to the published results. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Analysing students' learning through morning exercise using data mining techniques
        behzad lak narges abbasi
        Since school has identified as one of the major agents in the socialization process, it has found remarkable position in the educational system of any country. Improving student learning is also a key factor to enhance the educational system quality in schools. As regul More
        Since school has identified as one of the major agents in the socialization process, it has found remarkable position in the educational system of any country. Improving student learning is also a key factor to enhance the educational system quality in schools. As regular exercise has profoundly positive impact on learning, this paper mainly aims to provide an approach to enhance students' learning process through morning exercise based on artificial neural network (ANN) technique and intelligent water drop optimization algorithm. This study is a quantitative research, which is purposefully a descriptive-analytical and methodologically a practical study. To that end, ANN technique was used to classify and extract the results, as well as, intelligent water drop optimization algorithm was employed for feature selection. In ANN, eleven neurons were selected as the appropriate number of hidden layer neurons; a combination of two linear and sigmoidal activation functions were employed as interlayer transmission functions; a training function was applied to train the network; and a maximum 3000 duplicates was proposed for the training algorithm on dataset. The accuracy of the proposed method was 68%, which has improved by about 2.2% compared to the basic method, i.e., exercise has a positive effect on students' learning. The results showed a proper performance of the optimal classification on the dataset with homogeneous parameters as well as a better performance of the artificial neural networks than the novel methods. Accordingly, the proposed method can have an appropriate improvement in terms of output accuracy in strengthening the learning process. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Intrusion Detection Based on Cooperation on the Permissioned Blockchain Platform in the Internet of Things Using Machine Learning
        Mohammad Mahdi  Abdian majid ghayori Seyed Ahmad  Eftekhari
        Intrusion detection systems seek to realize several objectives, such as increasing the true detection rate, reducing the detection time, reducing the computational load, and preserving the resulting logs in such a way that they cannot be manipulated or deleted by unauth More
        Intrusion detection systems seek to realize several objectives, such as increasing the true detection rate, reducing the detection time, reducing the computational load, and preserving the resulting logs in such a way that they cannot be manipulated or deleted by unauthorized people. Therefore, this study seeks to solve the challenges by benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology, its durability, and relying on IDS architecture based on multi-node cooperation. The proposed model is an intrusion detection engine based on the decision tree algorithm implemented in the nodes of the architecture. The architecture consists of several connected nodes on the blockchain platform. The resulting model and logs are stored on the blockchain platform and cannot be manipulated. In addition to the benefits of using blockchain, reduced occupied memory, the speed, and time of transactions are also improved by blockchain. In this research, several evaluation models have been designed for single-node and multi-node architectures on the blockchain platform. Finally, proof of architecture, possible threats to architecture, and defensive ways are explained. The most important advantages of the proposed scheme are the elimination of the single point of failure, maintaining trust between nodes, and ensuring the integrity of the model, and discovered logs. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Novel Multi-Step Ahead Demand Forecasting Model Based on Deep Learning Techniques and Time Series Augmentation
        Hossein Abbasimehr Reza Paki
        In a business environment where there is fierce competition between companies, accurate demand forecasting is vital. If we collect customer demand data at discrete points in time, we obtain a demand time series. As a result, the demand forecasting problem can be formula More
        In a business environment where there is fierce competition between companies, accurate demand forecasting is vital. If we collect customer demand data at discrete points in time, we obtain a demand time series. As a result, the demand forecasting problem can be formulated as a time series forecasting task. In the context of time series forecasting, deep learning methods have demonstrated good accuracy in predicting complex time series. However, the excellent performance of these methods is dependent on the amount of data available. For this purpose, in this study, we propose to use time series augmentation techniques to improve the performance of deep learning methods. In this study, three new methods have been used to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which are: 1) Long short-term memory, 2) Convolutional network 3) Multihead self-attention mechanism. This study also uses a multi-step forecasting approach that makes it possible to predict several future points in a forecasting operation. The proposed method is applied to the actual demand data of a furniture company. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the forecasting accuracy of the methods used in most different prediction scenarios Manuscript profile
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        22 - Synthesizing an image dataset for text detection and recognition in images
        Fatemeh Alimoradi Farzaneh Rahmani Leila Rabiei Mohammad Khansari Mojtaba Mazoochi
        Text detection in images is one of the most important sources for image recognition. Although many researches have been conducted on text detection and recognition and end-to-end models (models that provide detection and recognition in a single model) based on deep lear More
        Text detection in images is one of the most important sources for image recognition. Although many researches have been conducted on text detection and recognition and end-to-end models (models that provide detection and recognition in a single model) based on deep learning for languages such as English and Chinese, the main obstacle for developing such models for Persian language is the lack of a large training data set. In this paper, we design and build required tools for synthesizing a data set of scene text images with parameters such as color, size, font, and text rotation for Persian. These tools are used to generate a large still varied data set for training deep learning models. Due to considerations in synthesizing tools and resulted variety of texts, models do not depend on synthesis parameters and can be generalized. 7603 scene text images and 39660 cropped word images are synthesized as sample data set. The advantage of our method over real images is to synthesize any arbitrary number of images, without the need for manual annotations. As far as we know, this is the first open-source and large data set of scene text images for Persian language. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Application identification through intelligent traffic classification
        Shaghayegh Naderi
        Traffic classification and analysis is one of the big challenges in the field of data mining and machine learning, which plays an important role in providing security, quality assurance and network management. Today, a large amount of transmission traffic in the network More
        Traffic classification and analysis is one of the big challenges in the field of data mining and machine learning, which plays an important role in providing security, quality assurance and network management. Today, a large amount of transmission traffic in the network is encrypted by secure communication protocols such as HTTPS. Encrypted traffic reduces the possibility of monitoring and detecting suspicious and malicious traffic in communication infrastructures (instead of increased security and privacy of the user) and its classification is a difficult task without decoding network communications, because the payload information is lost, and only the header information (which is encrypted too in new versions of network communication protocols such as TLS1.03) is accessible. Therefore, the old approaches of traffic analysis, such as various methods based on port and payload, have lost their efficiency, and new approaches based on artificial intelligence and machine learning are used in cryptographic traffic analysis. In this article, after reviewing the traffic analysis methods, an operational architectural framework for intelligent traffic analysis and classification has been designed. Then, an intelligent model for Traffic Classification and Application Identification is presented and evaluated using machine learning methods on Kaggle141. The obtained results show that the random forest model, in addition to high interpretability compared to deep learning methods, has been able to provide high accuracy in traffic classification compared to other machine learning methods. Finally, tips and suggestions about using machine learning methods in the operational field of traffic classification have been provided. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Survey on the Applications of the Graph Theory in the Information Retrieval
        Maryam Piroozmand Amir Hosein Keyhanipour Ali Moeini
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph- More
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph-based information retrieval algorithms have shown to be efficient and effective, this paper aims to provide an analytical review of these algorithms and propose a categorization of them. Briefly speaking, graph-based information retrieval algorithms might be divided into three major classes: the first category includes those algorithms which use a graph representation of the corresponding dataset within the information retrieval process. The second category contains semantic retrieval algorithms which utilize the graph theory. The third category is associated with the application of the graph theory in the learning to rank problem. The set of reviewed research works is analyzed based on both the frequency as well as the publication time. As an interesting finding of this review is that the third category is a relatively hot research topic in which a limited number of recent research works are conducted. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        25 - An Intrusion Detection System based on Deep Learning for CAN Bus
        Fatemeh Asghariyan Mohsen Raji
        In recent years, with the advancement of automotive electronics and the development of modern vehicles with the help of embedded systems and portable equipment, in-vehicle networks such as the controller area network (CAN) have faced new security risks. Since the CAN bu More
        In recent years, with the advancement of automotive electronics and the development of modern vehicles with the help of embedded systems and portable equipment, in-vehicle networks such as the controller area network (CAN) have faced new security risks. Since the CAN bus lacks security systems such as authentication and encryption to deal with cyber-attacks, the need for an intrusion detection system to detect attacks on the CAN bus seem to be very necessary. In this paper, a deep adversarial neural network (DACNN) is proposed to detect various types of security intrusions in CAN buses. For this purpose, the DACNN method, which is an extension of the CNN method using adversarial learning, detects intrusion in three stages; In the first stage, CNN acts as a feature descriptor and the main features are extracted, and in the second stage, the discriminating classifier classifies these features and finally, the intrusion is detected using the adversarial learning. In order to show the efficiency of the proposed method, a real open source dataset was used in which the CAN network traffic on a real vehicle during message injection attacks is recorded on a real vehicle. The obtained results show that the proposed method performs better than other machine learning methods in terms of false negative rate and error rate, which is less than 0.1% for DoS and drive gear forgery attack and RPM forgery attack while this rate is less than 0.5% for fuzzy attack. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        26 - Presenting a web recommender system for user nose pages using DBSCAN clustering algorithm and machine learning SVM method.
        reza molaee fard Mohammad mosleh
        Recommender systems can predict future user requests and then generate a list of the user's favorite pages. In other words, recommender systems can obtain an accurate profile of users' behavior and predict the page that the user will choose in the next move, which can s More
        Recommender systems can predict future user requests and then generate a list of the user's favorite pages. In other words, recommender systems can obtain an accurate profile of users' behavior and predict the page that the user will choose in the next move, which can solve the problem of the cold start of the system and improve the quality of the search. In this research, a new method is presented in order to improve recommender systems in the field of the web, which uses the DBSCAN clustering algorithm to cluster data, and this algorithm obtained an efficiency score of 99%. Then, using the Page rank algorithm, the user's favorite pages are weighted. Then, using the SVM method, we categorize the data and give the user a combined recommender system to generate predictions, and finally, this recommender system will provide the user with a list of pages that may be of interest to the user. The evaluation of the results of the research indicated that the use of this proposed method can achieve a score of 95% in the recall section and a score of 99% in the accuracy section, which proves that this recommender system can reach more than 90%. It detects the user's intended pages correctly and solves the weaknesses of other previous systems to a large extent. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        27 - BIG DATA
        Behshid Behkamal
        The main purpose of linked data is to realize the semantic web and extract knowledge through linking the data available on the web. One of the obstacles to achieving this goal is the existence of problems and errors in the published data, which causes incorrect links an More
        The main purpose of linked data is to realize the semantic web and extract knowledge through linking the data available on the web. One of the obstacles to achieving this goal is the existence of problems and errors in the published data, which causes incorrect links and as a result, invalid conclusions. Considering that the quality of the data has a direct effect on the success of the linked data project and the realization of the semantic web, it is better to evaluate the quality of each of the data sets in the early stages of publication. In this paper, a learning-based method for evaluating linked datasets is presented. For this purpose, first, the base quality model is selected and the quality features of the model are mapped to the field under study (which is the field of linked data in this article). Then, based on the mapping done, the important qualitative features in the study area are identified and described in detail by defining sub-features. In the third stage, based on past studies, the measurement metrics of each of the sub-features are extracted or defined. Then, measurement metrics should be implemented based on the type of data in the studied domain. In the next step, by selecting several data sets, the metric values ​​are automatically calculated on the tested data sets. To use observational learning methods, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of data experimentally by experts. At this stage, the accuracy of each of the data sets is evaluated by experts, and based on the correlation study tests, the relationship between the quantitative values ​​of the proposed metrics and the accuracy of the data is investigated. Then, by using learning methods, the effective metrics in the accuracy evaluation that have an acceptable predictability are identified. In the end, using learning methods, a quality prediction model based on the proposed criteria is presented. The results of the evaluations showed that the proposed method is scalable, efficient and applicable in addition to being automatic. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        28 - Intrusion Detection Based on Cooperation on the Permissioned Blockchain Platform in the Internet of Things Using Machine Learning
        Mohammad Mahdi  Abdian majid ghayori Seyed Ahmad  Eftekhari
        Intrusion detection systems seek to realize several objectives, such as increasing the true detection rate, reducing the detection time, reducing the computational load, and preserving the resulting logs in such a way that they cannot be manipulated or deleted by unauth More
        Intrusion detection systems seek to realize several objectives, such as increasing the true detection rate, reducing the detection time, reducing the computational load, and preserving the resulting logs in such a way that they cannot be manipulated or deleted by unauthorized people. Therefore, this study seeks to solve the challenges by benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology, its durability, and relying on IDS architecture based on multi-node cooperation. The proposed model is an intrusion detection engine based on the decision tree algorithm implemented in the nodes of the architecture. The architecture consists of several connected nodes on the blockchain platform. The resulting model and logs are stored on the blockchain platform and cannot be manipulated. In addition to the benefits of using blockchain, reduced occupied memory, the speed, and time of transactions are also improved by blockchain. In this research, several evaluation models have been designed for single-node and multi-node architectures on the blockchain platform. Finally, proof of architecture, possible threats to architecture, and defensive ways are explained. The most important advantages of the proposed scheme are the elimination of the single point of failure, maintaining trust between nodes, and ensuring the integrity of the model, and discovered logs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        29 - Survey on the Applications of the Graph Theory in the Information Retrieval
        Maryam Piroozmand Amir Hosein Keyhanipour Ali Moeini
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph- More
        Due to its power in modeling complex relations between entities, graph theory has been widely used in dealing with real-world problems. On the other hand, information retrieval has emerged as one of the major problems in the area of algorithms and computation. As graph-based information retrieval algorithms have shown to be efficient and effective, this paper aims to provide an analytical review of these algorithms and propose a categorization of them. Briefly speaking, graph-based information retrieval algorithms might be divided into three major classes: the first category includes those algorithms which use a graph representation of the corresponding dataset within the information retrieval process. The second category contains semantic retrieval algorithms which utilize the graph theory. The third category is associated with the application of the graph theory in the learning to rank problem. The set of reviewed research works is analyzed based on both the frequency as well as the publication time. As an interesting finding of this review is that the third category is a relatively hot research topic in which a limited number of recent research works are conducted. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        30 - Application Identification Through Intelligent Traffic Classification
        Shaghayegh Naderi
        Traffic classification and analysis is one of the big challenges in the field of data mining and machine learning, which plays an important role in providing security, quality assurance and network management. Today, a large amount of transmission traffic in the network More
        Traffic classification and analysis is one of the big challenges in the field of data mining and machine learning, which plays an important role in providing security, quality assurance and network management. Today, a large amount of transmission traffic in the network is encrypted by secure communication protocols such as HTTPS. Encrypted traffic reduces the possibility of monitoring and detecting suspicious and malicious traffic in communication infrastructures (instead of increased security and privacy of the user) and its classification is a difficult task without decoding network communications, because the payload information is lost, and only the header information (which is encrypted too in new versions of network communication protocols such as TLS1.03) is accessible. Therefore, the old approaches of traffic analysis, such as various methods based on port and payload, have lost their efficiency, and new approaches based on artificial intelligence and machine learning are used in cryptographic traffic analysis. In this article, after reviewing the traffic analysis methods, an operational architectural framework for intelligent traffic analysis and classification has been designed. Then, an intelligent model for Traffic Classification and Application Identification is presented and evaluated using machine learning methods on Kaggle141. The obtained results show that the random forest model, in addition to high interpretability compared to deep learning methods, has been able to provide high accuracy in traffic classification (95% and 97%) compared to other machine learning methods. Finally, tips and suggestions about using machine learning methods in the operational field of traffic classification have been provided. Manuscript profile