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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Using a Hybrid PSO-GA Method for Capacitor Placement in Distribution Systems
        mohammadmahdi Varahram amir mohammadi
        In this paper, we have proposed a new algorithm which combines PSO and GA in such a way that the new algorithm is more effective and efficient.The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has shown rapid convergence during the initial stages of a global search but ar More
        In this paper, we have proposed a new algorithm which combines PSO and GA in such a way that the new algorithm is more effective and efficient.The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has shown rapid convergence during the initial stages of a global search but around global optimum, the search process will become very slow. On the other hand, genetic algorithm is very sensitive to the initial population. In fact, the random nature of the GA operators makes the algorithm sensitive to the initial population. This dependence to the initial population is in such a manner that the algorithm may not converge if the initial population is not well selected. This new algorithm can perform faster and does not depend on initial population and can find optimal solutions with acceptable accuracy. Optimal capacitor placement and sizing have been found using this hybrid PSO-GA algorithm. We have also found the optimal place and size of capacitors using GA and PSO separately and compared the results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Hybrid Neural Network Ensemble Model for Credit Risk Assessment
        shaban elahi Ahmad ghodselahi hamidreza naji
        Banking is a specific industry that deals with capital and risk for making profit. Credit risk as the most important risk, is an active research domain in financial risk management studies. In this paper a hybrid model for credit risk assessment which applies ensemble l More
        Banking is a specific industry that deals with capital and risk for making profit. Credit risk as the most important risk, is an active research domain in financial risk management studies. In this paper a hybrid model for credit risk assessment which applies ensemble learning for credit granting decisions is designed. Combining clustering and classification techniques resulted in system improvement. The German bank real dataset was used for neural network training. The proposed model implemented as credit risk evaluation multi agent system and the results showed the proposed model has higher accuracy, better performance and lesser cost in applicant classification when compared with other credit risk evaluation methods Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Study On Visual Cryptography and Providing a Proposed Method for Color Images Cryptography
        shahriyar mohammadi نغمه محمدی
        Visual cryptography is a method that makes use of the characteristics of human vision and it requires neither the knowledge of cryptography nor the complex calculations. This method was first proposed by Naor and Shamir, its implementation is simple, it has been extende More
        Visual cryptography is a method that makes use of the characteristics of human vision and it requires neither the knowledge of cryptography nor the complex calculations. This method was first proposed by Naor and Shamir, its implementation is simple, it has been extended to an secrect sharing (k, n) in which n shares are made from the image and they are distributed among n participants. Moreover, the image can be retrieved with k shares and their assembling onto each other; however, the image is not retrievable with k-1 shares. Colors are represented using a combination of reflected lights from objects in the subtractive model. A wide range of colors is made with the mixture of cyan (C), magenta (M) and yellow (Y) and the combination of blue (B), red (R) and green (G) results in black in this model and also, the combination of these colors with white creates the same colors. This paper presents a visual cryptography proposal for colored images that divides a colored image into some shares after converting it to halftone images based on white and black visual cryptography and their rules are in accordance with the subtractive model of colors. Manuscript profile