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        1 - Assessing the e-service quality of Payame Noor University
        Somayeh Ahari
        In this study, in order to assess the e-service quality of Payame Noor University based on E-SERVQUAL model, the service superiority gap score was measured. The research methodology was quantitative, in terms of main strategy applied, in terms of research objective desc More
        In this study, in order to assess the e-service quality of Payame Noor University based on E-SERVQUAL model, the service superiority gap score was measured. The research methodology was quantitative, in terms of main strategy applied, in terms of research objective descriptive–survey, in terms of analytical technique and library and field study, in terms of implementation strategy. The research population consisted of about 20000 undergraduate and postgraduate sophomores and above studying in Payame Noor University of Ardebil during spring semester of academic year 2010-2011. A multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for the study. Among the universities, the Payame Noor University of Ardebil, another university and a unit were selected randomly. According to Krjci-Morgan table, assuming error α = 0.05 and using cluster method of sampling, the overall sample size was determined 500 and 476 questionnaires were finally analyzable. For data collection, the e-service quality questionnaire (E-SERVQUAL with alpha reliability coefficient .97 for the perceptional level and .95 in for the expectation level) was used. Results from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (z = .704, p = .703 > 0.05) showed that the data distribution is normal. Data collected was analyzed by using single-sample t-test. Results showed that e-service quality was significantly low in all aspects and components of services. In other words, there was a service superiority gap in electronic service in Payam Noor University and students were unsatisfied with the quality of electronic services. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Assessing the state of e-service excellence gap in Payam-Noor University
        Mahdi Moeinie Kia Adel Zahd bablan
        ۱٬۳۷۸ / ۵٬۰۰۰ In this research, in order to measure the quality of electronic services in Payam Noor University, based on the e-Servoal model, the service excellence gap was measured. Research method in terms of main strategy: quantitative; In terms of purpose: practic More
        ۱٬۳۷۸ / ۵٬۰۰۰ In this research, in order to measure the quality of electronic services in Payam Noor University, based on the e-Servoal model, the service excellence gap was measured. Research method in terms of main strategy: quantitative; In terms of purpose: practical; In terms of implementation method: field and documentation, and in terms of analytical technique: descriptive-contextualization. The statistical population of this research consisted of the third semester and higher students of Payam Noor University in Ardabil province in the second semester of the academic year 1389-1390, in undergraduate and master's degrees in various fields with an approximate volume of 20,000 people. The sampling method of this study was a multi-stage cluster. that among academic centers; Payam Noor University, the capital of the province, another university center and one unit were randomly selected. The overall sample size based on the Krejci-Morgan table, considering the error α = 0.05; And the clustering of the sampling method, nearly 500 people were considered, of which 476 questionnaires could be analyzed. In order to collect data, an electronic service quality questionnaire was used (E-Serqual with reliability α=0.97 at the existing level and α=0.95 at the desired level). The results of the Kalmogorov-Smirnov test (z=0.704 with p=0.703, p<0.05) showed that the data distribution is normal. The collected data were analyzed using a one-sample t-test. The results showed that the quality of electronic services in all service components and their dimensions is significantly low. In other words, in the electronic services of Payam Noor University, there is a gap in the superiority of services, that is, students from quality Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Identification of the Factors and Indicators of the Model of Quality Assessment of the Game Industry Services on the Cloud Platform
        Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard mohamadali abaspour
        n today's world, one of the most important media and entertainment sectors is the gaming industry. The number of users of this type of games is constantly increasing and Businesses in this industry have grown dramatically. This has led to a dollars million turnover boos More
        n today's world, one of the most important media and entertainment sectors is the gaming industry. The number of users of this type of games is constantly increasing and Businesses in this industry have grown dramatically. This has led to a dollars million turnover boost for developer companies of this kind of games. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to provide a model for measuring the quality of services on the cloud platform in the gaming industry. The present research is a developmental-applied objective and is a part of qualitative research. This research is also a survey research in terms of data gathering. In this study, 52 indicators were identified in 9 main dimensions after evaluating theoretical literature of the research and existing models and Delphi method for assessing the quality of the cloud computing services industry. The results of the research provide a comprehensive model for assessing the quality of cloud computing services industry services that can be used by industry and researchers. Manuscript profile