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        1 - Blind correction of camera lens aberration and de-centering error using modified Zernike model
        kambiz rahbar karim faez ebrahim attaran
        Reduction of the quality of the image formed by an optical system is a function of different parameters such as lens aberrations, CCD digitization errors, and the errors of system assembling. Assembling errors usually consist of two types: 1) the prism error, which is t More
        Reduction of the quality of the image formed by an optical system is a function of different parameters such as lens aberrations, CCD digitization errors, and the errors of system assembling. Assembling errors usually consist of two types: 1) the prism error, which is the error of non-orthogonality of the optical axis and the image plane 2) the de-centering error, which is error of not passing the lens optical axis through the center of the image plane. This paper attempts to correct the blind of the lens aberration and the de-centering error. To this end, Seidel aberrations are rewritten in the form of the modified Zernike moments based on the second kind Chebyshev polynomials as discrete functions on the Cartesian space. Then, the modified moments reformulated to model de-centered phase aberration function by considering the de-centering error. Finally, the model parameters are divided into two classes of symmetric and asymmetric ones. Then, these parameters are estimated through poly-spectral analysis, i.e., bi-coherence and tri-coherence analysis, respectively. Experimental results confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed solution. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Provide a framework for enhancing the security of IoT-based smart homes using the IoT-A reference architecture
        Sattar Hashemi shahrouz sotoudeh
        Today, the smart home is one of the main and growing applications of the Internet of Things, which brings comfort, security, reduced energy consumption and cost of living. In addition to the benefits and advantages that this technology has brought, the issue of security More
        Today, the smart home is one of the main and growing applications of the Internet of Things, which brings comfort, security, reduced energy consumption and cost of living. In addition to the benefits and advantages that this technology has brought, the issue of security and privacy has become one of the major concerns that needs serious attention. The IoT-A reference architecture is based on examining existing protocols and resources, ensuring the compatibility of objects and communication protocols, and providing a comprehensive solution for various IoT applications. This paper seeks to provide a general framework for improving security at all levels of design, implementation, and use of equipment and protocols, using the IoT-A reference architecture to address the security challenge of the Internet of Things and smart homes. In this article, the term security framework is used to identify the set of technologies, mechanisms, software and components needed to provide a set of security needs. After examining and mapping vulnerabilities and threats in the architectural application model, this paper presents an improved security framework compared to the standard reference architecture framework. Based on the theoretical evaluation, the new framework, which was formed by adding two components of threat and vulnerability management and field management and making some changes in the licensing component, meets the security requirements of the smart home to an acceptable level and provides an appropriate degree of security and protection. Enhances IoT-A-based smart home privacy. Manuscript profile