Extracting Innovation Strategies and Requirements for Telecommunication Companies: Case Study of Telecommunications Infrastructure Company
Subject Areas : ICTAlireza Esmaeeli 1 , Alireza Asgharian 2 , Takavash Bahreini 3 , Nasrin Dastranj 4 * , Mahshid Ghaffarzadegan 5 , Kolsoum Abbasi-Shahkooh 6 , Mandana Farzaneh 7 , Homeyra Moghadami 8
1 - TIC
2 - TIC
3 - TIC
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5 - ITRC
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Keywords: Telecommunications Infrastructure Company, organizational innovation, innovation strategies, innovation management, innovation requirements,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to identify effective innovation strategies for a governmental organization and mission-oriented in the field of communication and information technology. The characteristics of the company under study are: governmental organization, having a monopoly market, scattered actions in the field of innovation, having managers interested in organizational innovation and has a clear and up-to-date strategy and structure. In this paper, innovation strategies were collected using comparative studies of similar international companies. Then by using the method of thematic analysis on the data obtained from semi-structured interviews, the strengths and weaknesses related to the innovation were identified. By matching these two categories of information, a number of appropriate strategies have been proposed and their implementation considerations have been expressed based on the specific characteristics of this company. Accordingly, suggestions for future research of this company have been presented to identify appropriate methods of implementation of organizational innovation in similar circumstances.
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