Provide a new architecture for the decision support system to manage stock trading based on a combination of financial indicators
Subject Areas : General
Masoud Mansoury
bijan mansouri
S. Alireza hashemi G.
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3 - هیات علمی
Keywords: Decision support system, financial indicators, purchase saturation limit, sales saturation limit,
Abstract :
Financial indicators are often used to analyze the market and predict the future of stocks. But because of the complexity of the stock market, what index to use and how reliable the output of the index used is has always been an issue. In this paper, a hybrid approach in the form of a decision support system is used to offer the best stocks to buy or sell. The best stocks are selected from a set of stocks using a set of financial indicators. Each of these indicators acts as a model and shows its status in the future, given the stock situation in the past. Therefore, using a combination of indicators allows us to make decisions with more certainty. The efficiency of this system has been evaluated on the Iranian stock market data collection collected from 2001 to 2011. The results show that the indicators used and the combined use of them have led to the decision support system to produce proposals with high accuracy
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