An approach to prioritize quality dimensions of based on cloud computing using Multiple Criteria Decision Making method
Subject Areas : ICT
Zahra Abbasi
Somayeh Fatahi
Mohammad Javad Ershadi
1 - Islamic Azad University
2 - Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IRANDOC)
3 - IranDoc
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Fuzzy Delphi Method, Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysis, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Multi-Criteria Decision Making,
Abstract :
Today, quality is one of the most important factors in attracting customer satisfaction and loyalty to service organizations. Therefore, one of the main concerns of managers is to improve the quality of services. With the development of the Internet and the world of communications, a concept called cloud computing has expanded in the world of communications, which provides a new model for the supply, consumption and delivery of computing services. The purpose of this study is to make the optimal decision in choosing the appropriate cloud service according to the conditions of users so that they achieve the highest satisfaction. Fuzzy Delphi method, fuzzy hierarchical analysis method, fuzzy TOPSIS method and finally multi-criteria decision making method are the methods used in this research. The results of the fuzzy Delphi method show that the indicators of transparency, accessibility and reliability should be eliminated. The results of fuzzy hierarchical analysis identified the cost index as the most important index and the support index during demand as the least important index. According to the results of fuzzy TOPSIS based on the weights obtained from fuzzy hierarchical analysis, SAAS, IAAS and PAAS cloud services were ranked first to third, respectively. Using the SAAS service provides numerous benefits to employees and companies, such as reducing time and money spent on time-consuming tasks such as installing, managing, and upgrading software.
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