Identify and analyze decision points and key players in procurement process in the EPC companies
Subject Areas : ICT
Seyedeh Motahareh Hosseini
Mohammad aghdasim
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Keywords: Decision analysis, Business Process Management (BPM), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Procurement process, EPC Companies.,
Abstract :
Correct and timely decisions have a significant impact on the performance and achievement of the company's goals. In other words, business process management depends on making and implementing rational decisions. By increasing the integration of information systems in organizations and using tools such as process mining, a platform is provided for the use of data analysis approaches and better analysis of decisions, and managers can act in agile decision making. Selecting a supplier in the process of purchasing in complex projects is one of the basic and key decisions that affect the quality, cost and performance of the project. In this article, with a process perspective, the decision points in the purchasing process in a complex construction project in an EPC company have been discovered and the key players in the implementation of the process have been identified and analyzed through social network analysis. The results of this research have led to the investigation of decision points in the process, the performance of decision points and the identification of key people in decision making, which can be used to improve the company's future performance.
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