Iran's companion government ecosystem model, analysis and recognition of the main players
Subject Areas :ali hakimjavadi 1 * , محمدمهدی سپهری 2
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Abstract :
The government ecosystem is one of the developing ecosystems in Iran. The purpose of this article is to recognize and analyze the structure and also to identify the role of each of the main actors of this ecosystem. In order to achieve this goal, first, by using research sources and examining the models presented in these sources, a conceptual model for the mobile government ecosystem is presented, in which four new actors: new approaches in providing services beyond expectations, Innovation and innovators, advertising and advertisers and intermediaries have been introduced. Then, by designing a questionnaire to verify the factors identified in the model and examine their impact on the mobile government ecosystem, and distributing it using a random sample of 400, the attitudes and opinions of 363 experts in the field of telephone Companion and companion government have been collected and analyzed based on the structural equation model. The results show that except for the advertising factor and advertisers, three other new factors have significant coefficients in the model.
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