Enteprise ontology based on intelligent agents. case study: knowledge based production export actors.
mohammad rahim banakar
ُShaban Elahi
Vali-e-Asr University Of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran.
shaghayegh sahraee
Management department, faculty of management and economics, tarbiat modares university, Tehran, iran.
Keywords: Omtology, Intelligent agent, Knowledge management, Interoperability.,
Abstract :
To develop ontology and investigate the role of intelligent factors in enriching ontology. On the other hand, the study of trade documents in the Trade Development Organization and Iran's Export and Import Statistics in the past few years creates the need in practice to address Iran's trade weaknesses by an ontology of knowledge-based export actors. Methodology: Grounded theory (Systematic Litreture Review) Conclusion: Ontology is the formal representation of the entities of a particular domain, which makes it possible to represent tacit and explicit knowledge of a particular field as a knowledge base through field research. Intelligent agent capabilities can be used to create an automation process in the development and enrichment of ontology. A systematic review is needed to evaluate, summarize, and compile studies on ontology and intelligent agents and establish an interaction between the two. A search of the database from January 2017 to the end of 2021 identified 38 relevant articles eligible for a qualitative evaluation of 15 articles. Intelligent agents identified the following nine concepts of ontology enrichment.
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